4 Tips You Should Know Before Sending Gifts for Middle Childhood
There is no doubt that it's meaningful and valuable to watch our kids growing along with our company. That would be the ideal parenting way in terms of mental growth and cognitive abilities development.
However, it's the fact that most of the parents are striving to take care of their kids while chasing their career. As we introduced earlier, inspiring gifts for Toddlers and Pre-schoolers, such as scalable toys, will spark their curiosity and interest and cultivate their creativity in STEM areas from Toddler through School Life.
Today, we are going to talk about the influences of gifting for the Desire (Third) Stage - Middle Childhood, from a macro perspective.

1. The Reasons for Sending Scalable STEM Toys as A Gift
In general, Toddlers and Pre-schoolers have started to wonder "why" from their instinct developed through the first two Awareness and Interest Stages. For sure, Middle Childhood would be eager to explore "how to" based on everything they see, hear, and experience in their daily life, if they have sparked up their curiosity and interest through Toddler and Pre-schooler Years.
Let's admit the fact that, sometimes, we even got lost in the "why" conversations commonly because:
- We did not know the answers.
- We were not sure whether it's appropriate the way we are going to explain.
- We couldn't find the answers in the "language" that the kids could understand all of a sudden.
2. Gifts for Empowering Middle Childhood's Creativity
The acronym, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), the Philosophy of subject integration, for sure is longer new to you if you have followed our channel. Let's give it a brief definition for a better understanding:
- A scientist observes the natural world and asks "why" and "how" about it.
- An engineer offers solutions to problems or improves on current solutions.
- Technology refers to a product or process that comes from our understanding of science and engineers' solutions.
- Mathematics is the study of patterns that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangements.
In recent years, another relevant term, STEAM, has caught more of attention from people due to the highly demanding professionals in related industries and areas. So, what's in the "A" of STEAM?
The addition of the "A" here stands for "Art" covering all areas, such as Drawing, Coloring, Painting, Designing, Modeling, Architecture, Music, and many more.
It's obvious to see that creativity is needed everywhere in addition to the STEM areas.
3. Gifts for Shaping Middle Childhood’s Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking refers to a process of objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment, including Curiosity, Creativity, Identification, Critical Analysis, Independent Thinking, Optimization, Initiative, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Research (Digital Literacy), and so on.
It's a skillset and ability enabling kids to make logical plans and rational decisions to the best outcome. It's a scientific thinking process that can only be shaped with constant proper learning and practice through actual cases. For this reason, it's vital to create a comparative immersive and dynamic learning environment to "train" them through scalable STEM toys, such as puzzles, construction building blocks, wooden blocks, and magnetic shapes building tiles.
4. Gifts for Enhancing Middle Childhood's Communication and Collaboration Skillsets
Kids are always eager to tell parents and people around them what they like and what they have done from small things to their toys and gifts. They like companions. It's not their fault not feeling comfortable staying alone for too long. It's their instinct to stay with parents and companions. As a parent, it's our responsibilities to guide them a way of "how to" communicate with family, friends, and companions.
However, parents won't be able to always be there for them to communicate with people they will meet through their Child to Teen Years and Adult Year. Communication is indeed a necessary skill everyone should acquire through life.
At the Toddler and Pre-schooler Stages, kids need a little guidance from parents, which will drive them to communicate. Sometimes, collaboration happens when it comes to something they can't handle alone.
At the Middle Childhood Stage, despite the fact that kids already have a better understanding of the purpose on the toys (gifts) parents bought for them, a scalable toy is the best companion for a child as we talked about in our previous articles. On the other hand, it creates an immersive learning environment that provides a teamworking practical case with their real living companions.
As two of the critical 21st-century skillsets, communication and collaboration skills are widely encouraged to acquire for kids worldwide. Most importantly, STEM education includes project-based learning. It takes a few weeks for kids and their "teams" to complete a "project" that they have in their mind:
- Come up with some ideas (Creativity).
- Make a practical plan and take rational actions (Critical Thinking).
- Teamwork (Communication and Collaboration) – the age-level parents should work with them together to complete the "project" they are working on.
1) 32 Pcs STEM Construction Building Blocks

2)60 Pcs Magnetic Building STEM Tiles

3) Upgraded/Scalable 120 Pcs Magnetic Construction Playboards:

Although we cannot only rely on gifts (scalable toys) taking care of our kids for all aspects of life, it's convincing to say that gifting has made a positive impact on driving our kids a higher motivation to learn and explore, cultivate creativity in something they believe in, and improve the current situation that they are not satisfied with. That's one of the reasons parents and everyone around them should guide them through the golden Child Years from a macro global perspective and humanity initiative.
For more innovative gifting ideas, stay tuned.